
Gokurakugai is a manga set in the lively, working-class district of Gokurakugai, a place bustling with activity but overshadowed by an eerie undercurrent of darkness. The story follows Tao and Alma, troubleshooters who take on various odd jobs in the district, helping locals with issues ranging from missing persons to solving mysterious crimes. As they navigate the chaotic streets, the duo encounters strange disappearances, disfigured animal corpses, and the looming presence of sinister forces lurking in the shadows.

Tao and Alma’s work often leads them to face off against *maga*, monstrous beings that were once human, further exposing the dark secrets hidden within Gokurakugai. Their cases bring them deeper into the heart of the district’s mysteries, revealing the sinister elements that threaten the delicate balance between humans and beastmen. Amidst the growing tension in the city, the troubleshooters uncover a deeper malevolence, blending supernatural threats with the gritty reality of urban life.