Gokurakugai (極楽街, lit. 'Paradise District') is a Japanese manga series by Yuto Sano. Set in a bustling working-class district, it follows Tao and Alma, troubleshooters for hire, as they tackle strange cases like disappearances and gruesome mysteries. Beneath the vibrant city lies a dark side, where supernatural forces and monstrous beings lurk, threatening the delicate balance between humans and beastmen.Gokurakugai (極楽街, lit. 'Paradise District') is a Japanese manga series by Yuto Sano. Set in a bustling working-class district, it follows Tao and Alma, troubleshooters for hire, as they tackle strange cases like disappearances and gruesome mysteries. Beneath the vibrant city lies a dark side, where supernatural forces and monstrous beings lurk, threatening the delicate balance between humans and beastmen.